Weekend update

This weekend we decided to try something that worked well for us last summer- the drive in. It was a great way to see movies without having to always find a baby sitter and little infant Amelia slept and snuggled the whole time through. So, being in an adventuresome mode, we wanted to try again this year with little infant Eliza and big sister Amelia.

Big Sister does not sleep as much as she did when brand new (duh)- so we will just say that the drive in as we established it this trip was a no go. We will try again, this time allowing some outside play time before the movie to get her good and tired, or by bringing more distracting toys to play with while in her seat...or by securing a sitter! While frustrating, I can't blame her all that much- she is a mover and a shaker and very curious, so it was asking a lot for a fully alert 18 month old to sit still. We left after the first movie and she was out cold within 2 miles of the drive-in, but several hours past her bedtime.

She got up the usual time next morning though, and played and played and was doing great, up in her high chair eating her sandwich. Then something that has never happened before- I stepped out to fire up the grill for our lunch and I walked back in to see this :-)
She has never fallen asleep in her chair that easy- I actually panicked for a second and thought she was having some sort of allergic reaction to the peanut butter- she was swimmy eyed and out of it. Then she dropped her head again and started snoring and I broke down laughing. We let her sleep while we ate and then she snuggled in for the rest of her nap on the couch.

Eliza was deep in thought over it all.

Saturday night, we tried again- this time heading downtown for Swinging on Main . We stumbled on this event two years ago and have made it down each year, it is a lot of fun! We were wary after the night before, but both kids did great. Amelia loves music and was dancing in her stroller, and then out dancing with Daddy and Mommy, waving at everyone who walked by and generally walking all over Triangle Park. This is a bit blurry, but I like it:
We wrapped up the night by playing in the fountain- Amelia is a water bug, so this was right up her alley.

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