Our Little Handful

So i am forever amazed at the sheer number of things Amelia has learned and how fast. I am not just talking about the "normal" milestones like rolling over, sitting up and laughing. While these are important and proud moments they are by far not the only fun times as a parent. For instance today as i was getting dressed and had Amelia on the bed( a safe distance from all sides of the bed) i heard a strange scratching-like sound. It took but a minute to realize that my darling little girl had indeed opened the tab on one side of her diaper and was working quite diligently on the other Velcro tab. As i tried to refasten the diaper she began to struggle and so we wrestled for a few minutes and i came out the winner...for now. She was all smiles at this new game as if to warn me that this was just the beginning.
In that last few weeks she has become fascinated by everything. I used to be able to sit with her on my lap and check my email...no more she will grab anything from the keyboard to the smallest piece of paper and she is quick. When she is not grabbing she is kicking the keyboard to push it under the desk and trying to bend down to eat her toes, her newest and best toy. She loves to stand (with our help) and must be able to see everything or she is inconsolable. I have a sneaking suspicion that her curiosity is just the beginning...i foresee the next few months and years to be ones filled with chasing down every butterfly, touching every flower, and answering endless strings of "why" questions and probably more skinned knees than i care to count and to tell you the truth i can not wait.
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