
As I was driving to work yesterday, running through my mind all the worries and work I had on my plate and bouncing around on Shannon’s IPod, I had one of those moments of clarity that seem all too infrequent. I stumbled on the song You Are My King, this version by the Newsboys, and it hit me that I had driven nearly all the way from home to work and hadn’t seen anything outside of my own head. It was a beautiful spring day- one where the slight haze of the morning sky was even pretty as seen through the slew of McDonalds and gas station signs that so adorn the Hamburg Shopping Center here in LexVegas. But it WAS pretty, and I realized how amazing God was in what he has given me. I am struck all the time by how blessed I am with Shannon and Amelia, but it is like I shut down for work and fall into just getting it done. I can see how easily the rat race can consume someone- not by choice but just by a slow and steady encroachment on all the parts of your day. So I am trying to remind myself ongoing, even in the midst of work, what is truly eternal and important.


I had the coolest thought the other day while I was bouncing and playing and tickling and laughing with our little darling. I was telling her that I am her daddy, and that I am proud of her and she is smart and beautiful and funny. And then it came to me- a thousand years from now, no matter what I do or say, where she goes or what she becomes, I will always be her daddy. Whether anyone ever remembers our names or that we were ever here, it will not change that for time without end, I am her daddy. Period. I love that. When I get home tonite I am going to load up some pictures of my forever little girl.

More and More travels

The Kettenrings are back in town after a whirlwind few weeks. We spent a long weekend in Chicago for an industry trade show I had to attend. I found out on a Tuesday I had to go..we left Thursday. Amelia and Mommy got to see the Windy City and go to her first Art Museum. She loved it! Daddy left the camera behind, so no good pics there, but they had a good time. I then traveled to Montreal for 3 days to meet with my new boss and the team there. I have luckily been rolled into an existing team there that needs much help- doing exactly what I have been doing, even dealing with the same customers. I am very lucky, as the day before I left on my trip, 5 people were let go from the company in the Lexington office. And but for me and one other, the remaining folks are on short term contracts until the fall to renewed as needed. I am very lucky indeed.

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