Changes All Around

There are strange goings ons around here lately- it was announced last Wednesday that the company I work for has been bought by our largest competitor ( Not big news to anyone not in the kitchen and bath industry, but in that realm it is akin to Microsoft buying Apple. Everything will be official at the end of the week, at which point they will legally be able to provide real detail. No one's job seems to be in jeopardy, but there is a lot of tension and unrest in the office. Ahhh..corporate America. I like Shannon's idea- we can move to the Caribbean where she can teach barefoot children on the beach and I can run the island charter flight/surf shop. Sounds much less stressful. Maybe we could go back to Punta Cana (where we went on our honeymoon)...I could set up my shop just past that lone palm tree..have the plane anchored just off the shore...yeah...that works for me...
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