On Pause

If anyone happened to be reading our posts, I figured we should post an update. Our house didn't blow up- it just turns out the previous residents never put a filter in the furnace, so God knows how many years of dust and ick had built up on the blower motor. What we smelled was it about to smolder, or burn out the motor. Luckily we had turned everything down and saved the motor from burning out. A quick filter and all is set. No pics to add, as I am posting from Ohio- we dropped Shannon and Amelia at her parents as I was in Montreal the last 3 days meeting with the new team of folks who bought our company. Good meeting, good folks- it is a REAL business, so it is nice to be in a real professional environment again.
On the baby front, she has been a smiling, cooing, holding her head up beauty for the last several weeks. Her 2 month shots went better than expected, I had to look her in the eye while someone hurt her, which broke me inside, but then after about 3 minutes she dozed off and slept all day. She is a good kid- we ask a lot of her with our hectic schedules and constantly having to travel and be out and about. She handles it all better than we deserve. She is amazing....

I'm sure there will be much much more to post soon, but for now that is it.
1 Response
  1. Jessica Says:

    Good to hear you're alive and kicking! Glad your house didn't blow up!

    I found you through Joni's blog. Hope all is well!

    When you get a chance, stop by my blog http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=1646586844700400144. And keep posting here so we can hear how you're doing.


    p.s. Your baby is beautiful.