just some catching up
Amelia's birthday brought about another big milestone for her and really for me. About a week after her birthday she enjoyed her last nursing session. I really wanted to breastfeed for a full year and was willing to follow her lead after a year. Amelia decided a year was enough and just didn't seem interested the last few days so i took her cues and she is now on whole milk from a sippy cup. I thought i would be relieved especially now that i am 51/2 months pregnant and i am in some ways but as Amelia has become more active and curious, nursing was one of the few times during the day that she sat still enough to cuddle. I guess this is just the first of many times to come that she is telling me to I have to let go... just a little. Weening her does actually give me a few months of "freedom" of which i am sure i will be grateful.
She is pulling up on everything and cruising like crazy and i am sure walking is just around the corner. She is truly a joy and has quite a personality that is alot like her mothers... good and bad. Amelia is over being fed by us and really loves to feed herself so we have moved to steamed veggies and pasta and she even shared a piece of tofu meatloaf with me at whole foods a few days ago. She is pretty good with a spoon but will use her fingers when she is really hungry. Her one year check up with Dr. Warner was great and he was impressed with her health record and pleased with her development. What more could a mother ask for.
Baby number 2 or "bean" as we refer to the new baby is also doing great. I have been feeling great in the last few weeks going to prenatal yoga and a prenatal water class... oh and keeping up with a very active 1year old. I had my first ultra sound the day before Christmas Eve and everything looks great...it looks like I am right on track for a due day of May 7th although my midwife seems to think i may go a little early as i did with Amelia...we will see. As far as the sex of the baby goes....we are having...........a surprise, once again we chose not to find out the sex of the baby..after much debate and thought. Shawn thinks it is a boy and i am leaning towards girl...really just hoping to prove him wrong.
We had a very blessed but busy Christmas travelling to see both our families. Santa and the grandparents were very good to Amelia and we didn't do all that bad ourselves...i am not sure how much work around the house will get done now that we have a Wii but Shawn and I can work in shifts. Since we were in Ohio for Christmas Eve we were not able to attend out regular church for service. Instead my dearest and best friend ,Kelli ,invited us to her church with her family. Kelli sang a Cantata with the choir a\and I along with everyone in the Church could feel the beauty and the joy of Christ as they sang. It is small church and a choir of only maybe 25 people but their voices, joy and love could have filled a cathedral. I was truly moved and blessed to be a part of such a beautiful and heartfelt celebration. Thank you, Kelli and I love you.
We are looking forward to a happy New Year and all the changes, blessings and excitement it will bring.
p.s. We have lots of pictures we will post...it has taken me a long time to find a quiet moment and I was too lazy to find the camera...i promise pictures will follow soon.